Dating Your Offer Is An Effective Way To Get Customers To Act
One of the most effective ways to increase order response and
speed-up cash flow is to place a time limit on your special
offer. A dated offer creates a sense of urgency, telling a
customer what he will lose if he doesn't act promptly. In other
words, the customer must order by a specified date or within "x"
number of days or he doesn't get the premium, discount or
whatever (and it should be an attractive offer). Note the
following suggestions:
1. An offer that lists a specific deadline date is usually
more effective than one that requires the customer to
respond within "x" days.
2. Due to the uncertainty of bulk-mail delivery time, an
offer that requires action within (the preferred) 15
days from receipt should be sent by first-class mail if
you wish to list a specific deadline date.
3. On a bulk-mailing, you should safely revert to the
"within the next 15 days" offer. If you still wish to
list a specific deadline date on a bulk-mailed offer,
follow the lead of catalog marketers making such
offers--use a deadline date that is about 5 or 6 weeks
from the mail drop date.
4. Some Mail Order marketers believe that the specific
deadline date should fall on a Friday (pay day). The
deadline date should fall within the same month as
prospect's receipt of offer.
This resource is (c) 1996 by, and compliments of
The Smart Business Supersite (tm)
It originally appeared in the Copley Mail Order Advisor.